Functional Services

‘We become what we repeatedly do’

-Sean Covey

Initial Appointment

1.5 hour Initial Telehealth Consult: $275

During your initial appointment, I allocate ample time to conduct a thorough analysis of your health history. By listening to your past & current health concerns, I aim to identify the root causes of any imbalances or issues you may be experiencing and determine the best path to help you move forward on your health journey.

Follow-up Appointments

1-hour Telehealth Consults: $175

30-minute Telehealth Consults: $95

Follow-up appointments is an opportunity to review your latest test results or discuss your current needs and concerns. Your health is my priority, and I am here to provide you with the support and guidance you require.

Home visits are available for an additonal fee in special circumstances

Common Functional Tests

  • Hormone Metabolite Testing

  • Hormonal cycle mapping

  • Comprehasive Thyroid Analysis

  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

  • Comprehensive Stool Testing

  • Advanced Lipid Profiles

  • Organic Acid Testing

  • Neurotransmitter Testing

“It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.”

— Hippocrates

Experience the power of Functional Health Services